On Maternity Leave

On Tuesday, July 16th – after 8 years of “patiently” waiting – my husband and I welcomed Saturday Nite Reader Junior to our family! I’ve been slacking on reading during the last month and it was worth it. 😉

I am going to enjoy the time I have at home before I go back to work and will check in with you all here and there. Hope you have a great summer filled of 5 star 💎s!!!

XO, Nikki

Shoutout to @hookedbytsl who made SNR Jr. her bookish inspired onesies. I can’t wait for the fashion photo ops 😘

Saturday Nite Reader’s Bookish Gift Guide

Getting ready for the holidays and need gift inspiration for your favorite book lovers? You’ve come to the right place: books and shopping for gifts are two of my favorite things! Here are a few ideas to get you started (also, to my friends and family…hint, hint)

Before we start here is a helpful hint: with Black Friday, Cyber Monday and a bunch of holiday sales never purchase anything without looking for a coupon code! If there isn’t one advertised on the website, check out Retailmenot.com (you’re welcome 😘)Read More »

Name a Book that Matches my Playlist

I love music just as much as I love reading (maybe even more 😬) and for me the two often go hand in hand. I often will be reading a storyline and think of a corresponding song. So I thought it would be fun to play out a musical scenario and ask you which books the “conversation” reminds you of. Hence, finding me my next TBR additions!

You also get to pick the ending! Fun, right?!

Here’s how the story goes (as sung by the likes of Mariah Carey, Ariana Grande and TSwift):Read More »

Unique Blogger Award


Beautiful graphic designed by Ginger Mom & the Kindle Quest!

I was nominated by the terriluvsbooks Blog for the Unique Blogger Award. If you haven’t checked her out before, you are in for a treat! Between her pop-up interviews (which are so fun, its like you are eavesdropping on a coffee klatch…well not eavesdropping because you’re obviously invited!) or Facebook Friday Nooner’s, she is a pro at creating ‘all things books’ videos. She offers a wide variety of book reviews for all readers and posts content on the regular. I aspire to brand my blog as well as she does hers! So, if you haven’t checked her out yet, do it! For this tag, I nominate:

1. Katiria @ Kati’s Bookaholic Rambling Reviews – we are both members of an FB group for Book Bloggers and she is one of the most supportive bloggers I know. She takes the time to connect and engage with all her followers and runs a sister site, La Jersey Chika Reads Indie Books, that showcases Indie Authors. She keeps her content fresh and consistent and I always look forward to see what she is reading next.

2. Alison @ BusyCollegeBookworm – we recently did a buddy read together and it was wonderful having someone to read along with (especially since the story was super scary!). On her bookstagram account she is always making it a point to shout-out her followers and often shares her favorite photos from their pages. She is just lovely.

3. Kathryn @ Nose Stuck in a Book – she was one of my first followers and just the nicest and most supportive fellow book blogger. She is super artistic and very creative when it comes to her photos and reviews. Her realness shines through her posts.

Here are the questions you need to answer and then keep the fun going by tagging other bloggers.

  1. If you could interview ANY author (famous / not, Indie / traditional published), who would it be and why?
  2. What is your favorite part of blogging?
  3. What is one of your biggest goals for your blog?
  4. Do you have a blogger who inspires you to keep blogging? If so, who? And what about them inspires you?
  5. What was your favorite book as a child?

Now, for the main event: my answers!

Well hopefully you are still interested in reading further, I promise to inject as much humor as possible to keep you engaged. I am not a comedian, but I do believe I am #10outof10 (inside joke with friends, but hopefully you get the point, hehe).

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the SNR show!

1.  If you could interview ANY author (famous / not, Indie / traditional published), who would it be and why?

greatest-peter-pan-quotesWhat a question, I had to really think about this one if I was only to pick one. I chose J. M. Barrie, who wrote ‘Peter Pan’. I have a huge respect for Peter Pan, as I like to quite frequently say I suffer from Peter Pan syndrome. On my list of ‘deadly afraid of’ is heights, snakes, sharks, and growing up. Time feels like its moving faster and faster and I don’t like it! Whoa cowboy, hold your horses: there is no need to be in a rush (unless you are commuting in NYC then hustle people!).

2.  What is your favorite part of blogging?

Being able to throw my thoughts out into the universe and have people listen. Sometimes I feel like I may be talking to myself but when you hear from someone that they bought a book you recommended or have been inspired to read more, it makes all the effort so worth it. Plus, you meet so many cool people, I have read so many books I would never have picked up or even heard of without coming across my blogger friends’ reviews.

3.  What is one of your biggest goals for your blog?

At first I thought it would be to gain as many followers as I can, but I quickly discovered its not about numbers: engagement and conversation is where its at! My goal this year is to make my readers laugh and want to check in with me without getting that email alert that I posted a new post, but that they look out for what I am up to.

4.  Do you have a blogger who inspires you to keep blogging? If so, who? And what about them inspires you?

Everyone in my Facebook Book Bloggers Group! I am so lucky to have stumbled upon this group, I wouldn’t be having as much fun without them. Everyone supports everyone, regardless of preferred reading genre and I have learned so much about blogging in general – and still learning – from all of them. XO. Are you a book blogger too? Join us!

5.  What was your favorite book as a child?

Ok, this one was hard for me to think of. As a child I was more into watching old Disney movies and don’t remember that one favorite book. I loved Shel Silverstein ‘Where the Sidewalk Ends’ and read practically every Disney Little Golden Book, but not one majorly stands out. My new self is very disappointed in my old self, but I think I have more than made up for my fair share of lost reading in my youth.  

If you read this far, well THANK YOU! If I could I would give you two gold stars. XO

I also wanted to thank Cassandra over at The Bibliophagist who nominated me for a Versatile Blogger Award! It is lovely to be recognized by peers you admire, and if you haven’t checked out her Versatile Blogger post – you must!

You may also follow my funniest self here:

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Jamie Quinn Mystery Collection, Books 1 – 3 by Barbara Venkataraman

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Box Set 4 disco balls

Published: September 4, 2014
Purchase: Amazon Box Set is $3.49, for all 3 stories that is a steal! $0 if you have kindleunlimited (From February 19 – 23, 2018, the box set is free!)
Category: Novella, Mystery, Suspense

Meet Jamie Quinn, a lawyer who practices family law yet finds herself in the middle of a few criminal cases (one that hits a bit too close to home). She recently lost her mother, took a sabbatical from work and suffers from insomnia. In Book 1, she is forced back into work mode when her cousin is accused of murder.

Read more to view my reviews for Books 1, 2 and 3. I received an ebook of the Box Set from the author, Barbara Venkataraman, in exchange for my honest review. Read More »

Book Review: The Story of Our Lives by Helen Warner


2.5 disco balls

Published: February 1, 2018 by Graydon House
Purchase: Amazon, Barnes & Noble
Category: Fiction, Chick lit

It started out slow and bit all over the place; after I invested a bit of time into it I became more engaged in the story. Boy was there loads of drama. And, the drama kept on coming even when you wanted to cover your eyes and will it to stop. (Why Emily, why?!)Read More »

Book Review: Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng


3 disco balls

Published: September 12, 2017 by Penguin Press
Purchase: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, BOTM $9.99 add-on
Category: Fiction
Goodreads Choice Awards 2017, Best Fiction

With over a 4 star rating on goodreads and on the heels of winning their 2017 Best in Fiction award, I wanted to really love this book. I didn’t love it, but I liked it. I don’t regret reading it and welcome a book discussion on some of the topics covered in the book; the book just hit a few painful spots for me and it was a tough read.Read More »