Today is my Birthday!

Being born on the 11th clearly made the #11 my favorite number. To top it off, today is my 38th birthday and 3 + 8 = 11…so this must mean its going to be a lucky one 😉

To honor the #11, here are my Top 11 reads from this year. This year has been my best reading year yet and it was very hard to narrow them down!

book-totes-08-2018-ss04It is a story of perseverance, acceptance and love for so many of the characters.  

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220px-a_little_lifeIt is a story about friendship; but, not ordinary friendship. A supreme friendship so connected that without it one is not whole, but lost. Friendship that gives one breathe: a reason.

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81tar7kzn7lCue in the soundtrack to Pretty Woman and you got yourself the cutest love story – with a side of spice – I have read in a while.

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51vfrzslyil-_sx329_bo1204203200_It was an addicting, brilliantly written story. This can definitely be a one sitting book read.

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91nhc-xa5klThe book tells a beautiful tale of a loving and caring person who just needed someone to believe in her.

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by-the-book-9781501175183_hrIt’s one of those stories that brightens your mood: perfect to read on a sunny day (or those rainy/snowy days where you are looking for something to lighten your mood). 

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91bndqhf1jlThis book had me on edge the whole entire time. THE WHOLE ENTIRE TIME.

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91lmjogaixlLike classic Jodi, she has this rational way of presenting both sides of an issue where you feel empathy for all characters whether you agree with them or not (she’s brilliant at this!) You may not agree, but you understand.

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51ikqi2oqll-_sx330_bo1204203200_Francie Nolan became one of my favorite literary characters.

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81v3qyp3iblBackman’s writing consists of simple sentences packed with punch: so much meaning with the right amount of build up. His writing style is brilliant!

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the-hating-gameThe tension between Lucy and Josh from the minute the book starts is ridiculously tantalizing.

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Do you have a favorite amongst my birthday book stack? Do tell!

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Birthday Book Tag: December 11th

“They say it’s your birthday…” da da da da da da dun

Today is the day of my birth. We will leave age out of this: unless you tell me I am 27 again, than cool.

Danielle @ The Introverted Book Nerd blog celebrated her birthday yesterday – happy birthday! –  with a birthday book tag (check it out here), so I am joining in: us Sagittarians need to stick together. 😉

Here goes:
Count your Birthday along your bookshelf and then subtract your birth month:
11 – 12 gives me a negative number! So I am showing the last book I have on my shelf.
Two Turns from Zero
by Stacey Griffith, Senior Master SoulCycle instructor.

I received the book at a WeWork event Stacey was speaking at. I haven’t read it yet, but its on my 2018 TBR list. My love for SoulCycle is just as strong as diving into a really good book. I need both in my life.

If you could spend your birthday with any fictional character who would it be and why?
Peter Pan.

I want to go to Neverland and not have to be a grown up. I probably feel this more each birthday, so this question is fitting for today.

Find a book that takes place in the season you were born in:

“Technically I was born in the Fall since Winter doesn’t start til after my birthday, but to be honest, I always have snow on my birthday where I live so I’m going to say I was born in Winter.” was Danielle’s answer, and I completely agree.

When I was a child more likely than not my birthday parties were cancelled because of some stupid snowstorm! (I am apparently still bitter about this.)

25085329Back to the question, my answer is:
A Family Affair: Winter (Truth in Lies #6) by Mary Campisi

It was super easy to pick as Winter was right there in the title. (phew, I was thinking how was I supposed to remember actual seasons in the books I have already read and with my limited attention span well…I probably don’t have to answer that)

Find a book that is the color of your birthstone:
Falling Together by Marisa de los Santos.

Turquoise is a cool color. It reminds me of Summer, which reminds me of sunny days, which now reminds me of vacation and pina coladas…can you tell it snowed here yesterday?


Pick a book set in a time period, world, or country you would like to have been born in:

P.S. from Paris by Marc Levy, because Paris sounds so romantic.

I need to schedule a visit to Paris…after my vacation at a beach with pina coladas.


Thanks for reading! I look forward to reading yours on your birthday too: make sure you link back to me so I can see your answers.

Happy Monday!