Have you ever joined a book club?

It’s time for a Bookish Blog Hop! 

The whole month of December my blog buddies and I will be answering a wide variety of bookish questions and today its my turn to host!

Want to be part of future Bookish Blog Hops? Join our Facebook group.

Today’s Question: Have you ever joined a book club?

If there was a perfect question for me to host it would be this one. For those of you that know me there was a time that I was in 4 – yes 4 – monthly book clubs. I had to scale back, especially since SNR Jr. joined the family, but even prior to that it was hard to manage if I had to read 4 new books a month (on top of the books I wanted to read for myself). It worked really well when some of the books overlapped, but that was not always the case.

It was hard to scale back as each of the 4 were so different and I loved diversifying my reading. I believe reading outside your comfort zone and go-to genre makes for very interesting book clubs. I’ve learned so much from some books that I wouldn’t have normally picked up at first glance of the synopsis.

I am currently in 1 consistent monthly book club and if I can join the others each month, then I will. I don’t over commit as I don’t want to take the joy of reading out of it (worrying about finishing in time can be stressful!). I enjoy meeting new people as well as finding time with friends to discuss how books make us feel (good, bad, and ugly). The most interesting book club discussions are usually the books people either loved or hated; it’s like a respectful debate team competition…haha.

I can go on and on about book clubs so if you ever want to talk about them, don’t hesitate to drop me a message!

Here’s what my blogger friends had to say:

Copy of Jo Linsdell (13).pngJo Linsdell  www.JoLinsdell.com

I’ve always loved the idea of being part of a book club but I’ve never actually been part of one. As I live in Italy, it’s hard to find others that read in English and share my passion for reading enough to want to form a book club. This is one of the reasons why I love the online book blogger community so much. It gives me a chance to connect with other readers and discuss the books we read.

erica-robyn-headshot.jpgErica Robyn  www.ericarobynreads.com

Yes! I am very lucky and have two book clubs I am part of currently. However, I’ve been so darn busy this year that I’ve only made it to a handful of meetups. One of my groups is actually a work meet up! We read a book every ninety days or so. We’re a small group, but it’s always fun to meet up during lunch to discuss! My other book club is outside of work, and it’s such an amazing group of people. On our very first meetup, it was clear that we would become friends as well as book club members. One lady from this group is now one of my best friends. She was also in my wedding last year.

Danielle – Snatched Words  

I love a book club! I’m not in one at the moment but I’ve been in quite a few over the years. I’ve been in a library-based one, a work-based one and a couple that I’ve set up with friends. I like that I usually end up reading books that I wouldn’t usually pick. I find they work best when there’s quite a lot of people (so it doesn’t matter if a few people don’t read the book) and when there are some questions prepared.

la_imageEline  LovelyAudiobooks.info

No, I’ve never been part of a book club, although, just like Jo, I love the idea of it. I have my Facebook audio groups where we discuss books and exchange recommendations. Joining a book club is on my bucket list though.

Leslie ConzattiLeslie Conzatti  www.upstreamwriter.blogspot.com

*sigh* Okay, here’s the thing… I’ve been keeping a close eye on the book club at my local Barnes & Noble, and I’ve been invited to join a few book clubs… but the book clubs almost never seem to be reading any of the books that are already on my radar… and I’m so scattered and sporadic with my reading as it is. I don’t want to abandon my ardent pursuit to read my own “reading lists” (because there’s several… like library checkouts… giveaway winnings… ebooks… free books…) and get those down to a more manageable size (all the while while many authors I follow insist (lol) on writing more excellent books with each passing month!) that I couldn’t possibly just set aside the books I really want to read, even just for a book that I’d previously never had any interest in (although I’m still open to the idea that I might… Just not right now!), merely for the sake of a discussion!

Kaili (Entertainingly Nerdy)Kaili  www.entertaininglynerdy.com

I actually have never joined a book club. Where I’m at there isn’t a lot of opportunity for those sorts of things and I wish there was! A book club is something I’ve always wanted to but since I’m so introverted it isn’t something I’ve actually pursued. It would be really awesome to do something like this and read Indie author’s books!


For the next stop you can find us at www.thebookwormmummy.com where the question “Name a book you had to read in school” will be answered.

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15 thoughts on “Have you ever joined a book club?

  1. I joined one a few years ago but the group was already established and I felt like an outsider when they had their little chats about things I knew nothing about (nights out, dinner parties etc). After 2 books I left.


  2. wow! 4 book clubs! I’m impressed. I’d settle for one, and probably need plenty of time to allow me to finish the book. I love the idea of meeting up to discuss books though. Maybe one day I’ll manage to find a group here. Fingers crossed.

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