Book Review: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid


5 disco balls

Published: June 13, 2017 by Atria Books
Category: Historical Fiction, Women’s Fiction, Contemporary, Romance, LGBT

You know the saying about potato chips “bet you can’t eat just one!”? Well, don’t eat potato chips while reading this book. For starters potato chip grease gets on the pages, which is a pet peeve of mine. But, more importantly you will not be able to stop reading chapter after chapter and your stomach can’t handle all those chips. This can definitely be a one sitting book read.If you are looking for a book to start your summer off right: this here is your jam!

As a teenager, Evelyn Hugo knew she wanted bigger and better things than Hell’s Kitchen. Her mom dreamed of Hollywood, and after her death Evelyn would do everything in her power to make her mom’s dream her own. She married her first husband to get her to Hollywood and the next six to keep her there.

You only knew what she set up to tell you; only a few knew the real Evelyn. At the age of 79 she is ready to tell all and hires an unknown journalist, Monique Grant, to do the telling. Why now? Why Monique? And, what the public wants to know is out of the seven, who was the love of her life? Well that I will not tell you: you need to read the book!

It was an addicting, brilliantly written story. Author Taylor Jenkins Reid reeled me in: hook, line and sinker. This is the first and certainly not the last book I will read by her.

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